For recent funerals notices throughout the region: click here

CLARKE, Rebecca Jane

In Loving Memory of CLARKE Rebecca Jane 26.06.1973 – 11.09.2023 Late of Beecher, and formally [...]

RENNIE, Reneth Luen (Rene)

In Loving Memory of RENNIE Reneth Luen (Rene) 02.02.1924 – 10.09.2023 Late of Heritage Drive, [...]

WARD, Dorothy May (Dot)

In Loving Memory of WARD (PINCHAM) nee Felhaber Dorothy May (Dot) 13.07.1933 – 10.09.2023 Late [...]

RICHARDS Melissa Joye (Mel)

In Loving Memory of RICHARDS Melissa Joye 27.03.1971 – 31.08.2023 Late of Luscombe Court, Gladstone. [...]

TURICH, Dorothy

In Loving Memory of TURICH (nee Deacon) Dorothy 30.10.1925 – 02.09.2023 Late of Benaraby and [...]

COPE, Annie Reta

In Loving Memory of COPE Annie Reta 22.12.1934 – 04.09.2023 Late of New Auckland Place, [...]

IBBOTSON, Charles Noel (Noel)

In Loving Memory of IBBOTSON Charles Noel (Noel) 31.03.1939 – 01.09.2023 Late of Benaraby. Passed [...]

PORTEOUS, Delia Eileen

In Loving Memory of PORTEOUS Delia Eileen (Eileen) 26.11.1928 – 03.09.2023 Late of Maryborough, and [...]

KERR, Diana Irene Pender

In Loving Memory of KERR (nee Phillott) Diana Irene Pender 01.09.1939 – 25.08.2023 Late of [...]

KIRK, George Stanley John

In Loving Memory of KIRK George Stanley John 28.01.1984 – 16.08.2023 Late of NSW, and [...]